Docker v17.04.0-ce-rc1 发布了,并将于 2017-04-05 发布 17.04.0-ce  版本。本次更新内容如下:


  • Sort docker stack ls by name #31085

  • Flags for specifying bind mount consistency #31047

  • Suppressing image digest in docker ps #30848

  • Hide command options that are related to Windows #30788

  • Fix docker plugin install prompt to accept "enter" for the "N" default #30769

  • Add truncate function for Go templates #30484

  • Support expanded syntax of ports in stack deploy #30476

  • Support expanded syntax of mounts in stack deploy #30597 #31795

  • Add --add-host for docker build #30383

  • Add .CreatedAt placeholder for docker network ls --format #29900

  • Update order of --secret-rm and --secret-add #29802

  • Fix use of **/ in .dockerignore #29043

  • Add --filter enabled=true for docker plugin ls #28627

  • Add --format to docker service ls #28199

  • Add publish and expose filter for docker ps --filter #27557

  • Support multiple service IDs on docker service ps #25234

  • Allow swarm join with --availability=drain #24993

  • Removal of the email from docker login #26868


  • Check parameter --ip, --ip6 and --link-local-ip in docker network connect #30807

  • Added support for dns-search #30117

  • Added --verbose option for docker network inspect to show task details from all swarm nodes #31710


  • Handle paused container when restoring without live-restore set #31704

  • Do not allow sub second in healthcheck options in Dockerfile #31177

  • Support name and id prefix in secret update #30856

  • Use binary frame for websocket attach endpoint #30460

  • Fix linux mount calls not applying propagation type changes #30416

  • Fix ExecIds leak on failed exec -i #30340

  • Prune named but untagged images if danglingOnly=true #30330

  • Add daemon flag to set no_new_priv as default for unprivileged containers #29984

  • Add daemon option --default-shm-size #29692

  • Support registry mirror config reload #29650

  • Ignore the daemon log config when building images #29552

  • Move secret name or ID prefix resolving from client to daemon #29218

  • Implement optional ring buffer for container logs #28762

  • Allow adding rules to cgroup devices.allow on container create/run #22563

Swarm Mode

  • Add Service logs formatting #31672

  • Fix service logs API to be able to specify stream #31313

  • Add --stop-signal for service create and service update #30754

  • Add --read-only for service create and service update #30162

  • Renew the context after communicating with the registry #31586


  • Wait for OOBE to prevent crashing during host update #31054

  • Block pulling Windows images on non-Windows daemons #29001


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