标题:实例化php类的时候如何传参 出处:刘新修 时间:Thu, 18 May 2017 17:55:14 +0000 作者:刘新修 地址:http://pic1.liuxinxiu.com:80/php_class/ 内容:  当我们实例化一个php类的时候,要怎么传递参数呢?这取决于该类的构造方法。   例:   person.class.php      class person{   var $name;   var $color;   var $sex;   var $age;   function __construct($name,$age='',$sex='boy'){   $this->name = $name;   $this->age = $age;   $this->sex = $sex;   $this->color = 'yello';   }   function eat(){   echo $this->name.'要吃饭';   }   function xinxi(){   echo $this->name.' is '.$this->sex.' and age is '.$this->age.' fuse is '.$this->color;   }   }   ?>   son.php      include('person.class.php');   $son = new person('cuihua',25,'girl');//此处的参数传递要和类的构造方法里面的参数顺序对应   //$son->xinxi();//cuihua is girl and age is 25 fuse is yello   $son->name = '田妞';   $son->eat();//田妞要吃饭   ?> Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release